
Friday, September 08, 2006

praise - i think we all could do a little more of it

Psalm 8:9. O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.

So often my prayers consist of things I want, here I am, talking to the Almighty God, Creator of the universe, and the first words out of my mouth are, "Dear God, If you could, I would like..."
That God would even consider listening to me is amazing, I'm one of countless others on this planet, yet if asked, God could pick my voice out of a crowd and proceed to tell you everything there is to know about me. That's my dad, my heavenly Father, the one and only God.
He has blessed me with so much, a thousand books could not hold everything God has done for me. After all this, more often than not, I can't even manage to squeak out a "thank you" before i proceed to bombard God with requests.
God should be getting much more praise than we give him. Its not the most natural thing in the world to start off our prayers, or anything for that matter, about someone else. The Lord's prayer begins, "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name." Not, "Our Father who art in Heaven, please help me get that ________" During my prayer time the past few nights I've realized how little my prayers consist of praise and thanks. I don't know about you, but its time I step out of the "me" box and start my prayers the way they should have a long time ago, with praise to my awesome God.


Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful Ruthie. Thanks for the reminder.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey my georgeous sis, I was inspired! Thanks!

10:23 PM  

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